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For Teens: Get the Facts About STDsPara los adolescentes: informaci³n importante sobre las ETS

For Teens: Get the Facts About STDs

"I thought birth control pills prevented STDs."
"Would I know it if I had an STD?"

Maybe not. Many STDs have signs that are hard to notice. You can catch a love bug and not even know it!

"Do birth control pills prevent STDs?"

No. Taking the pill doesn't protect against STDs. Even if you take the pill, you should still use latex condoms.

"Is it safe if I only have oral sex?"

No. Almost every kind of STD can be spread through oral sex.

"Do STDs ever go away on their own?"

No. Even if your symptoms go away, STDs stay in the body. You need to be treated by a doctor. Don't try to treat yourself!

"What?! I thought oral sex was safe..."
"Can you catch an STD if you've already had it before?"

Yes. Even if you get treated, you can catch some STDs over and over. This is especially true if your sex partner doesn't get treated. He or she can pass the disease back to you.

"Isn't HIV/AIDS the only STD I really need to worry about?"

No. Many STDs besides AIDS can cause serious health problems-including death.

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