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For Teens: Understanding VaginitisPara los adolescentes: en qu© consiste la vaginitis

For Teens: Understanding Vaginitis

Vaginitis is a name for a group of vaginal infections. These include trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis (BV), and yeast infections. The only true STD (sexually transmitted disease) is trichomoniasis. But having any type of vaginitis may increase your risk of catching other STDs.

What to Look For

Discharge is the most common sign of vaginitis. The discharge varies by the type of infection.

  • Trichomoniasis may cause frothy greenish or yellow discharge, which can have an odor. The vagina can itch or burn.

  • BV may cause grayish-white, watery discharge. The discharge can have a strong odor.

  • Yeast infections may cause discharge that looks like cottage cheese. There can also be intense itching or burning in the vagina.


Medications can cure all types of vaginitis. For trichomoniasis, your partner also needs to be treated. Otherwise, they can pass it back to you. To limit yeast infections, wash with mild soap and water. Don't douche. Wearing cotton underwear can also help limit yeast infections.

If You Don't Get Treated

  • Discharge, burning, and itching can go on.

  • Having BV or trichomoniasis can make it easier for you to catch other STDs.

  • BV can put you at risk of PID.

Tell your partner if you have trichomoniasis. Men usually don't have symptoms. But, without treatment, they can pass it back to you or to others.


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