
Welcome to the comprehensive medical library of Women's Healthcare of Southern Indiana. The information shared below is provided to you as an educational and informational source only and is not intended to replace a medical examination or consultation, or medical advice given to you by a physician or medical professional.

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Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Your Home RecoveryHisterectom­a laparosc³pica: Su recuperaci³n en casa

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Your Home Recovery

When you leave the hospital, you'll receive instructions on caring for yourself at home. Following these instructions helps ensure a faster recovery. It often takes about 1 to 4 weeks to recover from laparoscopic hysterectomy. But recovery time varies from woman to woman.


Taking Care of Yourself

Follow these tips to make your recovery as safe and comfortable as possible:

  • To avoid constipation, eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Drink plenty of water. Your doctor may suggest that you use a laxative or a mild stool softener.

  • Ask your friends and family to help with chores and errands while you recover.

  • Do not lift anything over 20 pounds to avoid straining your incisions.

  • Do not get your incisions wet until your doctor says it's okay to do so.

  • Do not put anything in the vagina until your doctor says it's safe to do so. This includes using tampons and douches and having sexual intercourse.

  • Schedule follow-up visits with your doctor.


When to Call Your Doctor

Call your doctor if you notice any of the following:

  • Chills or a fever of 100.4°F or higher.

  • Bright red vaginal bleeding or a smelly discharge.

  • Difficulty urinating or burning during urination.

  • Severe abdominal pain or bloating.

  • A red, swollen, or draining incision site.

Date Last Reviewed: 2007-01-15T00:00:00-07:00

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